
I Don't Know How Long My Short Term Memory Is... Feldenkrais Method® & Brain Ease

Nancy Haller is a teacher, speaker, and writer with a private practice in the Seattle area. She continually works toward BrainEase using the Feldenkrais Method®. She has authored works on Foreign Accent Syndrome and the Feldenkrais Interactive Movement Chapter included in the Integrated Pain Management Text book. Nancy brings her own personal story of recovering from brain injury to teaching others to find pathways to BrainEase in daily life. Whether you are experiencing a brain injury, brain fog, feeling brain tired or you have someone you work with or love that is struggling with brain issues.


"A must-read book for all!"

"Nancy has authored a 'must-read' for everyone! Pass the word on this fabulous book! Buy several and give them to your friends & family. Every time her book is picked-up, new knowledge will be gathered that can be used for a lifetime. You will also marvel at her insight on the section entitled "30 to 60 Second Moments of Awareness"


"Fascinating and Helpful"

The story of the author's life following her brain injury is fascinating and inspirational. Additionally, as a person who was afflicted with a severe case of sciatica, the movement exercise section is a wonderful tool.Thank you, Ms. Haller, for writing this book!

Constance B.

"Very Informative Book"

I truly got a lot out of reading this book. I found the fact that the author recovered & flourished after suffering a brain energy very inspirational. The exercises are also helpful for those of us who want to keep our memory in good shape as we age.

Wendy S.

About The Author

Nancy Haller writes from a clear vantage point of experience. She has been living with a brain injury that occurred during a surgery over a decade ago, leaving her with Foreign Accent Syndrome (FAS). Fewer than 100 people in the world have been diagnosed with FAS. At the completion of her MA in Somatic Movement Studies (2010), she observed the experience of being totally brain tired. Nancy began to observe this phenomenon around her, from her college student daughters to the exhausted public she encountered. Finally the overwhelming brain fog was apparent in the lives of her aging mother, her young adult daughters and herself and she traveled through menopause. Whether the brain issues are personal or impact people in your life, no one will go through life unscathed.

Click here to learn more about Nancy Haller and her professional career.

Nancy's Writing Can Also Be Found In The Upcoming Release

"Foreign Accent Syndromes: The Stories People Have to Tell"

Foreign Accent Syndromes: The Stories People Have to Tell by Jack Ryalls and Nick Miller. Available in fall 2014. This book outlines clinical information about Foreign Accent Syndrome, one of the rarest speech diagnoses in the world. Nick Miller and Jack Ryalls, noted authorities on this syndrome, clarify the definition and basic phenomenology, historical and current research on FAS, causes and psychosocial consequences, and resources for further investigation. Included are 28 testimonials written by people across the globe that pursue life with the daily effects of this condition on themselves, their families and communities.

“In their perception” , Nancy Haller’s story of her life changing experience facing the challenges of living with a brain injury, difficulties in speech patterns and intelligibility, and memory issues. She shares her daily path to healing and recovery, communicating simple ideas for other people who are experiencing brain changes in their lives.

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