Current Course Catalog

NeuroMuscular Connections classes are a different approach to affecting posture, balance and movement to effect decreases the levels of pain and patterns of tension in our clients' bodies. Our focus is on changing the habitual and acute patterns in muscle groups and the fluidity of fascia by mobilizing the skeleton and working across and through joints, instead of on or along muscles. By understanding how to support body weight and create an experience of a safe environment for change, the process of improving ROM and tension reduction becomes simple. As a result of these techniques used, practitioners apply very little force and work with light resistance. Compared to traditional deep tissue massage and structural bodywork techniques, clients experience a painless and quick release of tension via neuromuscular pathways.

This approach works well with clients in special populations including; rehabilitation, low pain tolerance, auto-immune issues, chronic pain and chronic muscle restrictions, aging, hospice care and PTSD to name a few. Clients in athletic training and experiencing work environment issues benefit greatly from this particular focus on posture, balance and movement improvement.

Due to COVID-19 all in person classes have been postponed.

Please watch for the fall schedule. We look forward to seeing you all soon. Stay safe.


NeuroMuscular Connections

($160) Eight Course Hours


NeuroMuscular Connections

($160) Eight Course Hours


NeuroMuscular Connections

($160) Eight Course Hours


NeuroMuscular Connections

($160) Eight Course Hours

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