Client Testimonials

Nancy lives in the Seattle area and loves the calmness and beauty found in our NW sunsets. She has taken hundreds of pictures over the years.

“I first came to see Nancy Haller in 2002 for lumbar disc degeneration. I had very limited mobility and severe pain. Nancy introduced me to the Feldenkrais Method®. Through massage, body alignment and Feldenkrais my pain dissipated, I was stronger and had a new set of tools to carry with me. Nancy taught me to become aware of my body, strengthening my core and alignment in a way that these lessons became second nature to me.”

Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease


“Little did I know that had I not seen Nancy in 2002 and started using the tools she taught me and gone in for "tune ups", I may not be independent today. In 2003 I was diagnosed with Scleroderma, a chronic progressive autoimmune disease that attacks all connective tissue. I had tendon, muscle, and neurological involvement. Many in my scleroderma fellowship have suffered extreme disfigurement, total disability, and unfortunately as there is no cure, the mortality rate is still very high.”

Scleroderma Disease


“Nancy and I had begun working on balance as she was aware as a trained professional to spot problems that all the MD’s had missed. This counter acted the neurological effects on my balance and prevented many of the falls I had been having. ”

Equilibrium Restored


“Had I not had this intervention, there is no doubt per my rheumatologist that I would have significant loss of mobility that I never would have regained given the nature of the disease. I can not emphasize enough on how life changing.”



“Seven years later, I do have some forearm deformity due to loss of tissue and tendon involvement, I regain full range of motion which is solely a result of working with Advanced Wellness. Walking some days is difficult, but if I go back to using my tools, I can greatly increase my mobility and reduce my pain.”

Increased Mobility & Reduced Pain


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